Gender matters in study about room temperature

A recent study earlier this year showed that women scored higher on tests in a room that was warmer, set between 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit, and men performed better when the room was cooler, set below 70 degrees F.  This information can affect not only students, but people in your office as well.  How do you know where to set the thermostat in your workplace to get the most productivity out of your employees and still keep them comfortable?  It is a bit of a conundrum, since even the Occupational Health and Safety Administration won’t give an exact number.  We at Paragon Orthopedic Center try to keep our patients comfortable, and warmer seems to be better in an office where you have a healthcare provider examining you.  It is hard to please everyone, but we strive to keep you happy!

Read more about the scientific findings and application here:

Which milk is best for you?

There are many types of milks out there, from plant milks to cow’s milk.  The October Paragon Orthopedic Center newsletter will highlight some information about these milks.  Some of the facts might surprise you, and these facts might change your thoughts about what you choose for your diet.  Don’t miss it!

Should you apply ice or heat to that injury?

We all strain a muscle every now and then, or maybe you’ve injured a joint.  What’s the first thing you grab for relief?  The answer isn’t as obvious as you might think.  Learn about how heat and cold work to help you understand when each one is best used in our monthly newsletter.  And call the knowledgeable folks at Paragon Orthopedic Center if you are more concerned: 541-472-0603.

Paragon Press, September 2019

Superbug even more resistant to antibiotics for cigarette smokers

Cigarettes have had years of research to prove themselves to be hazardous to your health.  Here is one more reason to quit: cigarette smoke has been shown to make a certain bacteria, S. aureus, change its DNA at a faster pace.  The mutated cells can adapt to their harsh conditions and become very difficult to eliminate, meaning the usual arsenal of antibiotics won’t work on you.  It is easy to take the work of an antibiotic for granted, when the uncomfortable symptoms fade after only one or two days of the medication.  Try to imagine that your doctor cannot stop an infection that has started within your surgical site, jeopardizing your surgery.  About 30% of us carry S. aureus in our noses and it causes no problem, but within a surgical site it can cause a terribly difficult to fight infection.  Most orthopedic surgeons, including Paragon’s Dr. Rob Bents and Dr. Jim Van Horne, frequently refuse to do surgery on those who smoke because smoking impairs the immune system and the ability of the body to fight infection.  Bluntly said, surgeries on cigarette smokers frequently are failures.  With the new knowledge that a cigarette smoker has an even higher risk of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, you should stop today or encourage a loved one to quit.  Read more here:

Fractures happen; Paragon Orthopedic Center is here for you

Each year in the United States, there are about 7 million fractures that are seen by medical professionals.  If you consider the population of the US, that means everyone has approximately a 2% chance of breaking a bone in any given year.  The average person can expect to have 2 fractures in a lifetime, with men seeing a slightly higher chance than women of having a fracture.  Paragon Orthopedic Center wants to be your source of help if you ever have a fracture.  Did you know Paragon offers x-rays at a lower cost than ER’s or urgent care clinics?  Paragon Orthopedics is happy to take off some of the financial stress during this initial phase of injury investigation.  We care, and you will feel this from right from the start.  Call the caring staff at Paragon for your appointment now: 541-472-0603