What is Long COVID?

There is a curious phenomenon out there referring to some long-term effects after being infected with the coronavirus and they are naming it “Long COVID.”  Some say enduring these effects for weeks and months is worse than when they initially fell ill with the virus.  There is brain fog, where they cannot remember words or bits of information that were once easily retrieved from memory, such as a phone number or a name.  Some experience exhaustion after being an active person before fighting Covid-19, a rapid heartbeat, coughing spells, and/or difficulty breathing.  There have been enough people with these lingering symptoms and others to create a need for a larger study, and the CDC is taking notice.  They want to figure out the mechanism behind the body’s responses.  As it stands, the medical community is baffled.  Are you or someone you know who has had Covid-19 still feeling unwell?  If you have lingering symptoms and would like to be a part of the research, there is a spot in this article by the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy where you can click on the word, “study” and be redirected to that information.  The article can be found here:


Asante offering antibody treatment for Covid-19

The FDA has given emergency use approval of a monoclonal antibody treatment for the coronavirus and Asante is one of four providers in the state of Oregon to do so.  It is only offered to newly diagnosed patients and there are other criteria that must be met in order to be a candidate.  Ashland Community Hospital is set up to offer this potentially life-saving treatment thanks to community donations to the Asante Foundation that allowed them to fund this infusion center.  This is very exciting news for our part of the state and could save many lives of those who are infected with Covid-19.  To read more details, here is an article from KDRV:


Paragon Orthopedic Center Makes Visits Easy

Did you know Paragon Orthopedic Center has its own patient portal?  It’s called MyChart and it gives you control of your appointment and information.  You can manage your appointments, access test results, and even get answers to your questions.  We make efforts to lessen your stress, especially during this pandemic, yet keep all of your information secure and private.  You just go to the Patient Portal on the Patient Center portion of our webpage.  If you prefer to speak with someone, our clinic is always happy to take your call and connect you with the help you need, Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm.  Just call 541-472-0603.

Here is the link to the portal to manage your orthopedic care with Paragon:


This Is A Challenge You Can’t Miss!

The Wall Street Journal has opened their first national fitness challenge and it’s an offer you can’t refuse.  It requires no equipment,  takes only 6 weeks, can be performed almost anywhere, it’s FREE, and can help you feel stronger!  All you’re doing is stepping up and down!  Trying to increase the steps you can do, up and down, in 20 seconds assesses your core strength, balance response, coordination, reflexes, ankle flexibility, and movement efficiency.  This program has been developed by  veteran NBA sports performance coach Arnie Kander.  He has trained many NBA teams, including the Minnesota Timberwolves and the Detroit Pistons.  With all the shutdowns and isolation we’ve experienced, this is the push you need to get up and move!  You can compare your results to others across the nation, people your same age and maybe in the same occupation, including some very famous names.  Look for your local friends and some of the employees at Paragon Orthopedic Center here in Grants Pass.  Included will be songs that some pro athletes enjoy to get them moving, such as Greg Norman, Justin Tucker, and Megan Rapinoe.  Here is the WSJ article with the link to sign up:


You only have to provide your email address and you’ll receive the weekly newsletter.  They will have fitness tips to increase your steps every week and they even provide an email for any questions, struggles, or concerns you have about your progress.  Twenty seconds, testing yourself once a week, taking only six weeks of your life to improve your overall health.  Get moving Southern Oregon!

How’s That New Year’s Resolution Going?

We are almost 3 weeks into the new year and maybe you need a little encouragement to stick with your resolution to be a healthier person.  Paragon Orthopedic Center wants good health for everyone.  We even have a weight loss competition going on at Paragon right now to motivate employees.  Losing weight, improving eating habits, and attaining personal goals are big boosters for good physical and mental health.  Here we found an article that has 10 tips to help you keep those goals you made.  You might find you need to reassess those goals, maybe make them smaller and attainable.  That’s okay!  Take it slowly and give yourself a break if you’ve set the bar too high.  As this article points out, change is a process.  Another good suggestion is that writing your progress in a journal can help you feel accomplished and help you assess overall success or setbacks.  Check it out and you might find a renewed sense of excitement!


When Do I Quarantine If I’m Covid-19 Positive? For How Long?

Have you had questions like these come up in your circles lately?  There is some misinformation out there about isolation after testing Covid positive and Paragon Orthopedic Center has found an article that addresses practically every question about the subject.  Josephine County Online has an FAQ page about quarantine and isolation.  It provides you with all the information you need if you have tested positive or if you’ve been exposed to someone who has.  Did you know you can leave your home after 10 days following the positive test if you’ve had no symptoms?  Get the straight facts and inform others.  Be safe out there Southern Oregon!


How Long Until I Am Immune?

Everyone is talking about when the vaccine for the Coronavirus is available to them.  Now that the vaccine is here in Southern Oregon and more people are getting it, a question keeps popping up: how long before it works?  Did you realize there is a lag time between getting the vaccine and full immunity?  Right now, the only vaccine available requires two doses, spaced three to four weeks apart.  After getting those two doses, it takes about a month before you have full protection against Covid-19.  If you don’t get the second dose, your immunity will not be as high.  It is also noted that other factors influence how quickly you develop immunity, such as being very young or very old, or being immunocompromised.  Should you wear a mask after you get the first dose?  Yes.  Should you wear a mask after getting the second dose?  Yes.  Should you wear a mask after waiting a month?  Yes.  Just like with every vaccination, there are still people who will get sick from the virus after getting the shots.  We need to have about 70% of the population immune, which is known as herd immunity, before it will be safe to ease protective measures.  Get immunized and be safe.

Read more here:


Paragon Orthopedics Continues to Keep You Safe

Paragon Orthopedic Center in Grants Pass puts patients first as their priority, especially during this epidemic.  We want you to know we continue to thoroughly sanitize our office and have all of our staff wearing masks at all times.  Paragon continues to limit visitors arriving with patients as many other clinics are doing, to minimize potential exposures.  It is well-known you can be a carrier of Covid-19 without knowing it and without symptoms.  By limiting visitors, we are decreasing the number of people you could unknowingly be exposed to during your time in our clinic to keep you as safe as possible.  Paragon is doing all that it can to limit the transmission of Covid-19, so please wear your mask as long as you are in the building.  Harvard Medical School just updated their article detailing known ways to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus yesterday and here is the link to that.  This thorough article includes information about items to have on hand if you do have to isolate, what precautions are necessary to help prevent infection of this virus, and  how to keep yourself safe when going out.  Be safe Southern Oregon!


Why Surgery and Smoking Cannot Mix

If you are a smoker and have been seen by Dr. Bents or Dr. Van Horne at the Paragon Orthopedic Center, then you know that they will not do orthopedic surgery on you until you have stopped smoking.  And there is no fooling them.  They have their ways of finding out if you didn’t completely quit.  Why so strict?  It’s for your own good if you smoke.  The post-surgical consequences have been proven and can be dire: longer time for the broken bone to heal, poor healing of your wound, and infection are some of the problems that can lead to a less than satisfactory result.  Save money, save your health, save the loved ones around you who inhale the second-hand smoke and make this your 2021 New Year’s resolution.  The American Lung Association can help you.  Stop today.  Find more information and an easy link to the ALA here:


Covid-19 Virus Variants Are Here, But What Now?

There have been variants of the Covid virus detected in countries abroad such as England, China, and South Africa, and some stateside, such as Colorado, California, and Florida.  It seems like it will be a matter of time before one of them reaches Southern Oregon.  What does this mean to you?  The Wall Street Journal tackled a few questions that help you understand what a variant is, why they’re making headlines, and what these mutations mean for treatment.  The variants upon initial investigation have shown to be more infectious.  Bad news: these variants spread quicker.  Good news: the illness is no worse than what has already been seen.  Initial lab tests of the available vaccines have proven effective against these variants, with some experiments ongoing.  The CDC is continuing to urge those who are eligible to get vaccinated and for all to use strategies known to reduce the spread, such as masking, distancing, and hand washing.  Read more here:
