Getting the most out of a doctor’s appointment

Dr. Rob Bents and Dr. Jim Van Horne are good enough at their surgeries to be in demand throughout Southern Oregon and the Oregon Coast.  This sometimes means you have a small wait until your appointment date at Paragon Orthopedic Center arrives.  Take advantage of that time to be prepared and get the most out of your time.  Yes, you can be pro-active and prepare yourself for the discussion.  Arriving at the time the clinic requests, which might be a few minutes early if they need forms filled, is very important.  If you’re late, it cuts into the time allotted for you and your concerns.  Dr. Bents and Dr. Van Horne like their patients to be well educated and they take time with their patients.  Here are some tips from the American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons about how to have a successful appointment:

  • Arrive early
  • Be honest about even the embarrassing information
  • Don’t bring up issues unrelated to the reason for your appointment
  • Bring questions and take notes.

Click on this link to learn more tips and details about making the most out of your doctor’s appointment: