Are You Making New Year’s Resolutions? Here Is What Experts Say About Them

Nearly 2 in 5 Americans has made a resolution for 2021, and three-quarters of those say the pandemic has shaped their goals.  The experts are saying that during this time of uncertainty, with Covid continuing to alter and shape our lives, sticking to the basics of what each day brings might be best.  Resolve to do things that motivate you.  What makes you feel good?  We have enough around us right now that can be depressing, so stick to the positives when you can.  Focusing on helping causes outside yourself is also very good for mental health.  Giving to others will give your spirits a lift and Southern Oregon has varied opportunities.  Many in our area are in need from job losses and some are still rebuilding their lives after the summer fires.  Build short and long term habits that leave you with a smile.  And don’t go big.  Not right now.  Make small changes within your control.  If you want more motivation, here is an article that can help you: