How Long Until I Am Immune?

Everyone is talking about when the vaccine for the Coronavirus is available to them.  Now that the vaccine is here in Southern Oregon and more people are getting it, a question keeps popping up: how long before it works?  Did you realize there is a lag time between getting the vaccine and full immunity?  Right now, the only vaccine available requires two doses, spaced three to four weeks apart.  After getting those two doses, it takes about a month before you have full protection against Covid-19.  If you don’t get the second dose, your immunity will not be as high.  It is also noted that other factors influence how quickly you develop immunity, such as being very young or very old, or being immunocompromised.  Should you wear a mask after you get the first dose?  Yes.  Should you wear a mask after getting the second dose?  Yes.  Should you wear a mask after waiting a month?  Yes.  Just like with every vaccination, there are still people who will get sick from the virus after getting the shots.  We need to have about 70% of the population immune, which is known as herd immunity, before it will be safe to ease protective measures.  Get immunized and be safe.

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