Handshake Alternatives: News Of A Lighter Sort

In case you missed out on an April Fool’s joke and you need a reason to giggle, this article might give you a reason or two to smile.  The Coronavirus is serious, but some of the suggested alternatives to a handshake out there in this pandemic are comical.  The World Health Organization has come up with these: hand on the heart, the wave, the namaste, salute, a nod, peace sign, bow, and a variation on a shoulder shrug.  Already popularized gems are the foot tap, elbow bump, and the vulcan greeting from Star Trek.  Maybe these will give you an idea of your own and you can be the next YouTube sensation.  Stay safe Southern Oregon and don’t forget to find a reason to smile.  This article will show you what each of the WHO suggestions are and talks about how our culture comes up with its own.


My Shoulder Feels Like Something Is Catching…

When you move your shoulder, does it feel like something is in there?  Some people have the sensation that their shoulder “catches,” is painful, and/or has limited motion.  This could be from a loose body.  The loose body is cartilage or bone that has broken/torn off.   It can move around within your shoulder and cause pain and a limited range of motion when it gets caught.  An x-ray might be able to reveal the problem, but sometimes an MRI or CT scan is needed.  Our surgeon, Dr. Rob Bents, uses the most state of the art, least invasive technique using an arthroscope to go into the shoulder and remove the object.  Sometimes, cartilage repair is also done during this surgery when the object has torn up the tissues within your shoulder.  Dr. Bents is happy to see you and give you his advice based on over 30 years of doing orthopedic surgery.  Paragon Orthopedics Center’s number is 541-472-0603.   Here is an informational video from Paragon Orthopedics Center about loose body removal that helps you visualize how the repair is performed.


Donate Life: April Is Organ Donation Awareness Month

April is the month set aside to give thought to organ donation, the hope that it provides those who are facing mortality, and honor those who have given life through a donation.  Did you know that all major religions recognize organ donation as a final act of compassion and generosity?  If you have ever read the testimonials of loved ones who have watched others receive a life-giving donation from a deceased friend or relative, you would see how powerful and lasting this act can be, often helping with grief tremendously.  It costs nothing to donate and gives so much to someone in desperate need.  By registering yourself, you relieve your family members of what can be a very difficult decision, especially if the death is sudden and unexpected.  Want to know more?  Here is the link for more information and can direct you to RegisterMe.org for your decision to be a donor.


Study of Vegan Diet Shows Impact on Bone Health

The vegan way of eating avoids meat, eggs, and dairy.  While this diet can have a positive impact on heart health, diabetes, and some cancers, it can be missing key nutrients, such as calcium, vitamin D, and some B vitamins.   A German research institute decided to do a study of 72 people to see if bones were affected by this diet.  It found that ultrasounds of the heel bones of those on a vegan diet had lower bone value scores compared to the omnivores on a mixed-food diet.  Lower ultrasound values indicate poorer bone health.  An interesting article was published by foodnavigator.com that explores the data from the study, as well as reactions from The Vegan Society.  If you do choose to eat vegan, it is clear that careful assessment of the diet is necessary so that alternatives with similar nutrients are still consumed.  More investigation needs to be done with greater numbers, and with the data to create advisories for those who decide to become vegan.  Paragon Orthopedics Center is looking out for your bone health!  This is a well-balanced piece worthy of your time:


Are You At Risk For A Fall?

Paragon Orthopedics Center sees patients weekly, and sometimes daily, who are suffering injuries from a fall.  Many of these could have been prevented.  According to the CDC, one out of every five falls results in an injury.  We cannot prevent aging, but we can help you prevent a fall, which does not have to be a part of the aging process.  The CDC has a Stay Independent survey tool that assesses your risk for a fall by having you answer statements, such as whether you push with your hands to stand up from a chair.  It then explains why this matters.  You can take it yourself or take it for a family member.  Your score determines if you are at high risk for a fall.   Provided below is a link to the CDC website and scroll down to find their Stay Independent PDF link.  This site also provides very helpful information to keep your home as safe as possible and other tips you might not have thought would contribute to a fall.  Stay safe Southern Oregon!


New, Lower Recommended Age For Diabetes Testing

The obesity epidemic in our country has driven the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force to lower the recommended age for diabetes testing to 35.  When this federal advisory board makes a recommendation, it means insurers will generally offer the testing free of charge.  Why the change?  Hopefully complications from diabetes can be avoided if it is detected and treated sooner.  Among those Americans with full-on diabetes, 21.4% are unaware.  Read more about this from the Wall Street Journal:


Paragon Targeted By Fake Facebook Account

If you checked out our Paragon Orthopedic Center Facebook page recently, you might have read a post/review with a false accusation against our staff.  This was investigated and the “person” was not a patient of ours, and then was found to be a fake account altogether.  The post was deleted.  You might think this won’t happen to you.  It is estimated that around 5% of all Facebook accounts are fake, which is about 137 million profiles.  Did you know you should report these fakers?  A quick internet search brings up easy instructions if you suspect you have had fake activity on your feed.    More stats on Facebook:

  • Of those who use Facebook, about three-quarters visit the site at least once every day.
  • Facebook is used by about half of America’s teens.
  • About 4 in 10 adults get their news from Facebook.
  • About three-quarters of Facebook users are not aware that Facebook lists your traits and interests for advertisers.

Read more about these and other Pew Research Center statistics on Facebook here:

10 facts about Americans and Facebook

I Had Carpal Tunnel And I Still Have Symptoms. Is This Normal?

The Mayo Clinic fielded this question, which contains excellent information about what carpal tunnel is, as well as the healing process after you have surgery to repair it.  Some people have immediate relief from their pain, but some don’t, which can be concerning.  Nerves usually improve at a rate of 1 inch every month, so relief of your symptoms can be slow.  Patients with the worst symptoms typically find the most immediate relief, but it can take up to a year to experience the maximum benefits of this surgery.  If you have concerns, it is always best to contact your surgeon’s office.  It could be a problem further up your arm, shoulder, neck, or brain that could require further assessment.  Dr. Bents frequently does carpal tunnel surgeries on patients from around our Southern Oregon region and hears patients very pleased to get back to their normal daily activities.  Paragon Orthopedic Center is happy to schedule you for a visit: 541-472-0603.  Read the full Mayo Clinic article here:

Mayo Clinic Q&A: Full Recovery After Surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Can Take up to a Year

Looking Out For The Mature Women In Your Life

Did you know that women can lose up to 25% of their bone mass in the first ten years after menopause?  The good news is that women can do something about it.  In honor of International Day of Women that we blogged about on Monday, here is an article from Timesnownews.com that discusses the importance of bone health in women who are post-menopausal.  Dr. Bents and Dr. Van Horne at Paragon Orthopedic Center are always willing to go over what you can do to keep your bones healthy when you are in our Grants Pass office.  This article covers taking Vitamin D, exercise, dietary advice, and supplemental estrogen.  It’s good information for you to spread to all of the mature ladies in your life.  Read more here:
