Paragon Orthopedic Center Celebrates International Day of Women

When we all work together, both men and women, progress is made for all.  Take the time to appreciate the women in your life and the work that they do.  All of us contribute to make our society better, and today is a day to give women you know a little recognition.  From Paragon Orthopedics, a most sincere thank you to all of the women out there who make Southern Oregon the wonderful place that it is, especially those in our clinic who work so hard to give our patients the best orthopedic care.  If you would like to read more about The International Day of Women, here is an article with many links and a video:

Do You Constantly Focus On Your Health Issues?

There is a newer way of approaching what used to be called hypochondria, where patients have chronic anxiety about their health and can’t stop thinking about their health issues.  The two new concepts are: somatic symptom disorder and illness anxiety disorder.  These new diagnoses put the focus on unnecessary bodily attention and health concerns, taking it away from unexplained symptoms the patient is having.  According to an article in the New York Times, as many as 5% of patients going into doctor’s offices believe they have a serious health problem when no illness can be found.  These patients may or may not have this serious health problem, but their symptoms are exaggerated and this can cause detrimental anxiety.  Another form of this is when people believe there are life-threatening germs everywhere.  Maybe you know someone who has experienced this with the Covid crisis.  Sometimes these concerns result in a vicious cycle of illness.  To learn more, read:

Spring Is Here! Are Your Knees Ready?

The garden is calling you for attention.  This nice spring weather in Southern Oregon beckons you to get outside and play.  Maybe some golf or flag football?  After being more sedentary in the winter, you might find your knees not cooperating with your desires.  Did you know Paragon Orthopedic Center has a host of high tech videos of 20 knee issues, from knee cap pain, to knee arthroscopy, to total knee replacement?  Our blog is always about education, and you can get your fill of knee education by viewing a few or all of these.  They might help you understand the anatomy of your knee and your pain a little better.  Click on this link, then scroll down to the Knee heading to peruse our 20 videos:

Youth sports set to begin, but are their bodies?

Southern Oregon is finally starting to see news about prep sports, now that schools have been given the green light, and kids are more than ready to get out there!  Paragon Orthopedic Center would like you to keep in mind that after months of being fairly sedentary, their muscles and joints might not be as ready to go full tilt.  Dr. Rob Bents put together a video to show a training program for reducing ACL injuries, specifically aimed at girls, since they are structurally more prone to them.  All girls should be doing ACL warm-ups before practices and games, but it’s especially important now, as coaches put instant demands on their bodies to compete.  Dr. Bents went through the trouble to make the video because he feels strongly that this program works to keep girls playing and he would rather not see the season cut short over an injury that might have been prevented.  Here is the link for this short video that could save your young athlete a heartbreaking injury:

What Does Herd Immunity Mean?

With the prospects of being immunized for Covid-19 increasing as the doses become more available, the news is reporting how we need higher numbers of vaccinated people to achieve herd immunity.  NPR has a great graphic using fictitious viral scenarios that can be set in motion to help you understand exactly why herd immunity is a very good thing.  (They don’t use Covid-19 specifically because there are too many unknowns, but it is applicable data.)  The bottom line:  the faster we have everyone protected by a vaccine, the better.  Learn the details here:

Are Your Hands Hurting?

With so many people working from home on their computers due to Covid shutdowns, some people are experiencing hand pain after typing more hours than usual.  Have you wondered if you have carpal tunnel syndrome?  Do you know what is done for carpal tunnel syndrome?  Paragon Orthopedic Center has a variety of educational videos on its website and one of them addresses carpal tunnel syndrome.  It goes over typical symptoms, many of the causes, and how it can be treated.  Dr. Rob Bents does this procedure frequently and his patients are amazed at how the procedure leaves them pain-free afterward.  This is a procedure that Dr. Bents can do at the surgery center instead of the hospital, which can save you hundreds of dollars.  We recently covered the advantages of surgery centers, so check out that blog from last week if you missed it.  Here is the link for the carpal tunnel video:

Paragon Press February Newsletter

mRNA and Why You Need To Know What It Is
If you are reading about the Covid-19 vaccines our nation is rolling out, then maybe you saw something about mRNA.  The two vaccines offered throughout the U.S. have been made using mRNA instead of a weakened version of the virus, which is used for annual flu vaccines.  Right away, you can be assured you cannot get Covid-19 from the vaccines, since they do not use the virus itself.  Paragon Orthopedic Center wants to help you understand the mRNA technology because there is a lot of misinformation being spread about these vaccines that is resulting in unnecessary fear.

What is mRNA?
mRNA, or messenger RNA, is part of the DNA in our genes. It provides the genetic code, or the instructions, to outside the nucleus of the cell. It helps the cell carry out its designated function.

How does mRNA work in the Covid-19 vaccine?
The mRNA created by the vaccine makers tells our cells to create a harmless “spike protein.”  That spike protein, which is the same as the spike protein on Covid-19 cells, is recognized in the body as foreign and produces a response to create antibodies for a cellular immune reaction.  This is what would happen if your body was infected with the Covid virus, except with the vaccine, you don’t have all of the flu symptoms.  If your body encounters the same spike protein of Covid-19 after having the vaccine, your body already has produced immunity to it.  Your cells will destroy the virus and you will not have any of the aches, fevers, cough, fatigue, headache, loss of smell, or any other symptoms of this illness.

Can it change my DNA?
No. The mRNA that makes the spike protein never enters the cell’s nucleus, which is where our genetic material (DNA) is.

What is unknown?
Researchers do not know how long immunity lasts, either after having Covid-19 (natural immunity) or having the vaccine.  Researchers are keeping track and watching this closely.  They also don’t know if you can still infect others after having the vaccine.  What does this mean to you after you have the vaccine or a case of Covid?  For now, it means you should still wear your mask and physically distance yourself from others as you did before you were ill or vaccinated.

Do I have options for the vaccine and are there alternatives to the mRNA vaccine?
There are two mRNA vaccines authorized for use in the United States as of today: Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech.  Because there are not a lot of these vaccines available, you don’t have a choice between the two right now.  Both have similar efficacy and require two doses, but one you wait 3 weeks between doses and the other you wait 4 weeks.  For an alternative to the mRNA vaccines, there are two hybrid vaccines using adenoviruses to fight the Covid-19 virus instead of mRNA that are still awaiting approval.  They work similarly to the annual flu vaccine, and use a weakened form of a chimpanzee common cold adenovirus.

Can Vitamin D help protect me?
There is some evidence that says Vitamin D might help.  People who take Vitamin D are less likely to develop acute respiratory tract infections, so it might increase your body’s natural defenses.  It also might help prevent an exaggerated inflammatory response, which happens in some Covid-19 cases.  Studies are ongoing.  Our bodies naturally make Vitamin D when exposed to sunshine, and 5 to 10 minutes a day of sun exposure to the arms, legs, or back will provide enough for your body to make the daily Vitamin D you need.  Foods high in Vitamin D are: egg yolks, fatty fish, supplemented foods like milk products and cereals, and cheese.  A supplement that provides up to 1,000-2,000 IU of Vitamin D is likely safe for most adults each day.

What can I do to keep my immune system strong?

  • Drink alcohol only in moderation (no more than one/day for women, no more than two/day for men).
  • Don’t smoke or vape and if you do, quit as soon as possible.
  • Eat a healthy diet high in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
  • Take Vitamin D if you don’t believe you are getting enough from sun exposure or through your diet.
  • Exercise regularly and get some walking in every day.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Monitor your stress level and employ techniques that work for you to keep it low.
  • Control your blood pressure if you know yours is high.
  • Make efforts to minimize your exposure to germs using hand sanitizer, hand washing, and keeping your hands away from your face.
  • Get at least seven hours of sleep each night.

The following articles were referenced for this newsletter:

Love Is In The Air…

With love in the minds of many this month, do you love your bones?  Let Paragon Orthopedic Center give you reasons why you should.  It’s a long-term commitment with only a few demands.  The primary reason you should love your bones?  To decrease your risk of osteoporosis.  You might be thinking that your bones are fine without the love, but paying attention to your bone health now can pay off in later years.  Paragon Orthopedics sees people from around the Rogue Valley with back pain, stooped posture,  loss of height, and fractures that could’ve been prevented if the patient only had developed stronger bones.  Sometimes those fractures lead to permanent disability, a poor quality of life, and even death.  Primarily, you should be making sure you get enough bone-building calcium every day, maintain a healthy body weight for your height, get exercise, and stop smoking/drinking excessively.  Need more details?  Check out this article:

Osteoporosis: Love Your Bones and They’ll Love You Back

Avoiding An Injury When It’s Icy

The temperature in Southern Oregon has been dipping down to freezing lately, which in some areas has left icy spots on asphalt and concrete.  Do you know the best ways to walk on ice?  Did you know you should have a plan?  Of course the best plan is not to go out if you don’t have to, but if you do, here are some tips:

  • Wear proper shoes, preferably ones with traction.
  • Be very aware of every step, watching where you place your foot and looking out for black ice.
  • Take small steps or even shuffle as you go.
  • Have in your mind ahead of time how you will fall.  You want to avoid using your hands and risking wrist injuries.  Falling on your elbows is better because the bones in that area are not as fragile.  Wrist injuries are the most common in falls on ice.
  • Bending your knees and falling on your side is optimal.  Tuck your head if you can to avoid a concussion.

All of these might be difficult to do in the moment, which is why you have to think about them BEFORE you fall.  Again, staying inside is your best bet if it’s icy, but if you do fall and need help, call Paragon Orthopedic Center for the best bone care in the Rogue Valley!  (541)472-0603

For more information and a list of the most common injuries from falling on ice, read this article:

Falling on Ice: Orthopaedic Injuries and Prevention

Got Shoulder Pain?

Spring in the Rogue Valley invites us to get outdoors and tackle projects that the winter weather kept us from doing.  We have had some pretty nice days and if you have started in on these projects, maybe you’ve taxed your shoulder and are experiencing pain.  Or maybe you’ve started new exercises that have left your shoulder aching.  Have you wanted answers to your questions but don’t think it’s time for an appointment at Paragon Orthopedics yet?  Did you know Paragon Orthopedics has a web page with many educational articles and videos that go through common shoulder issues?  The videos can be very helpful with their visuals.  Below is a link to that page where you can scan many shoulder problems and maybe find answers to some of your questions.  Scroll down to the “Shoulder” heading.  Always feel free to call our staff at Paragon and talk through your concerns.  We are there to help you with all of your orthopedic needs Southern Oregon!  (541)472-0603