The Best Coronavirus Prevention Advice

With no vaccine to prevent illness from the Covid-19 virus, we can only do our best to prevent exposure to it.  As we discussed in the last blog,  there are many more asymptomatic people with Covid-19 than first thought and one of those people might be a relative who could give it to you.  What can you do besides quarantining yourself?  Paragon Orthopedics wants to help you with ideas you might not have thought of before, or remind you of the ones that you have already heard, but aren’t doing.  Here’s a quick list

-wash your hands often with soap and for 20 seconds
-use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol
-avoid touching any part of your face with your unwashed hands
-try to maintain a 6-foot distance from others, even relatives, when possible
-wear a face covering to protect others whenever you go out and know this is not a substitute for distancing yourself 6 feet from other people
-cover you coughs and wash your hands after you do
-clean and disinfect frequently used surfaces in your environment
-monitor your health by being aware of how you feel or symptoms you being to have throughout the day, and by taking your temperature
-follow CDC guidelines if you being to have symptoms, such as a cough, fatigue, fever, headache, loss of taste/smell, or shortness of breath

Paragon Orthopedic Center is still performing an initial, brief health assessment when you arrive at our clinic.  For your protection and the protection of our employees, masks are still required for everyone to enter the clinic.  The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has a great article with more details about Covid-19 prevention.  Connect to that here:

How many people with Coronavirus are asymptomatic?

Now that enough time has passed, results of studies are coming out about those who have had the Coronavirus.  Some of the research is showing that asymptomatic people with Covid-19 shed the virus for less time (8 days versus 19 for those with symptoms) and unsurprisingly suffer less damage to their immune systems than those who had symptoms.  What it has also revealed is that a whopping 42% of those who were studied in Wuhan and tested positive never showed symptoms.   Another study released about cruise ship passengers where an outbreak occurred showed 81% of those who tested positive never showed symptoms.  This is telling us that more people are asymptomatic than was first believed.  What does this mean to you?  This virus might be more present in your surroundings than you are thinking.  If you look at the number of cases in Southern Oregon, we appear to not have the epidemic other cities are battling, but this virus might be quietly lurking anywhere you go.  Covid-19 is more deadly than the usual annual flu.  If you are in a high risk group, you should exercise caution.  Staying home and avoiding close contact with others are still the best ways to protect yourself, although for some this is difficult.  At the very least, keep your hands washed, lathering for 20 seconds, and avoid touching your face.  We will go over the recommended ways of minimizing your exposure and protecting others in our next blog.  Here is an article that discusses the research about asymptomatic survivors here:

Getting the Rest You Need

There are an abundance of stressors in the world right now.  Covid cases are increasing, restrictions are going back in place in some Oregon counties, and social unrest affects us all no matter where you live or what the color of your skin is.  This is enough to weigh on a person’s mind enough to affect sleep.  How are you sleeping?  Whether you have difficulty falling asleep or you wake up during the night, if you don’t get enough of it, lack of sleep will take a toll on your health.  If you have read our blog long enough, you know Paragon Orthopedic Center is all about you being the best you can be, physically and mentally.  Today, we are looking at some ways to get a good night’s sleep.  WebMD has an article that provides 10 good tips.  They are:

1-Wake up at the same time each day
2-Eliminate alcohol and stimulants
3-Limit naps
4-Exercise regularly
5-Limit activities in bed
6-Don’t eat or drink right before bedtime
7-Make the environment comfortable
8-Get rid of worry before bedtime
9-Reduce stress
10-Try cognitive therapy

You might be wondering what cognitive therapy, or CBT, is.  That would be time spent with a professional where you takes steps to make changes in a current behavior.  Southern Oregon has a number of professionals suited to help you with sleep troubles.  This list contains some good suggestions for a place to begin working on your insomnia.  Maybe one of these sparks an interest in you.  Read more about one or all of these tips here:

Juneteenth Should Be Important To Us All

Some think Juneteenth is a celebration only in the black community.  If you are loving the freedoms you have here in our wonderful country, then you should also be celebrating because the joy of the freedom of one is the joy of all who make up this great place we call the United States of America.  Paragon Orthopedic Center is a place that sees all people as equal, believing that diversity makes us the great melting pot of America that we are.  We encourage all of Southern Oregon to celebrate Juneteenth with us.  Let’s celebrate this occasion together and unify us in freedom at a time when so much is trying to divide us.  Unity is strength; division is weakness.  “No one is free until we are all free.”  Martin Luther King Jr.

How Diet Affects the Performance of Young, Female Athletes

It has been found that the diets of young, female athletes may be deficient in the nutrients necessary to keep them at the top of their game.  The reason?  Primarily, it’s lack of education about a rounded, nutritious diet.  Insufficient nutrients can have direct impacts on bone health and the reproductive systems in these females.  According to recent reports, up to 42% of female athletes had insufficient levels of vitamin D.  Up to 90% of female athletes are not getting enough calcium, which can translate into bone fractures and impact bone density later in life.  What can be done?  According to a recent article at, two things: education and monitoring.  Those who are able to see the athlete perform can monitor best for things like disordered eating, and low energy and subsequent lack of ability to compete.  At Paragon Orthopedic Center, Dr. Rob Bents takes an active interest in athletes and had experience treating Division 1 athletes at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  Here  in Grants Pass, he has seen many young, female athletes be sidelined by a stress fracture too painful to allow them to complete a season, which can be devastating news if a college scholarship is on the line.  Dr. Bents is happy to discuss good nutrition and ways to make sure young female athletes are getting adequate calories, especially enough daily calcium.  A team approach is best when coaches, doctors, and parents are involved.  How can you help?  Want to read more?  Read more here:

Walking the RIGHT way

Paragon Orthopedic Center is always trying to get people moving more and exercise to keep your body in optimal health.  Some of the orthopedic injuries seen at Paragon Orthopedics can be attributed to a lack of exercise and could have been prevented.  Many people begin with walking as a way to exercise, and certainly after the imposed stay-at-home order, walking has recently become more popular as a way to get outside.  A recent article in The Guardian by Amy Fleming discusses how you can get more benefits out of your walk.  The article suggests improving your step, body posture, and awareness.  There are a lot of mental benefits to being mindful as you walk!  Do you take notice of the smells, the colors, and the sounds as you go?  She discusses how a study showed that walking with a partner can be a way to connect at a time when we are not supposed to hug or shake hands.  Did you know walking can help you overcome negative thinking and regain a positive outlook on life?  Overcome the negativity that might be preventing you from enjoying today.  Read more here on how to be the best walker you can be and go take a walk Southern Oregon!

Can I get sick with Covid-19 twice?

Can I really get this coronavirus again?  Everyone wants to know and the short answer is: we don’t know for sure.  Fortunately, the investigations being done in South Korea have shown that none of those who tested positive a second time were putting off the live virus.  These patients had residual genetic viral material that was enough to trigger a positive test.  They were not contagious.

A recent study of infected monkeys showed they did not get a reinfection after being exposed again to the Covid-19 virus.

This is good news, but we do not have factual evidence in humans.  The big question is: how long does immunity last after an initial infection?  One problem is how viruses mutate.  Viruses, like the one that causes measles, don’t mutate.  Once you’ve had it, you can’t get it again.  Could Covid-19 be mutating that quickly?  The United States investigators are monitoring for a similar pattern of reinfection here.  Stay tuned and educate yourself daily on new, reliable information.

Paragon Press June Newsletter

The monthly newsletter from Paragon Orthopedic Center covers information about Covid-19 testing because a lot of misinformation is being spread.  Do you know the difference between an antibody test and a diagnostic test? Inform yourself about the current facts and pass them on to the ones you love.  Information is power!

Paragon Press, June 2020

Pre-op Preparations

With many of you seeking information about your upcoming orthopedic surgery, did you know you can do things for your body before you go NPO?  Dr. Bents and Dr. Van Horne have straightforward expectations that should always be followed for your best outcome, but here are some tips from U.S. News & World Report that are good to do in the weeks and months before your anticipated surgery date.  From increasing your fiber and protein intake to taking supplements, you will find helpful tips that motivate you.  Paragon Orthopedic Center strives to help you be the best you can be and a successful surgery requires a team approach.  Find some tips to do your part here:

Staying At Home Brings On The Pain

You might have been thinking staying at home from work would be a piece of cake, looking forward to doing all those things on your list.  Then, as you did activities at home that your body isn’t used to doing, you’ve developed aches and pains.  Maybe you’ve been using the at-home weight system, or those chores you’ve been doing have taken a toll on your knees.  What do you do about these isolation-induced orthopedic problems?  Firstly, begin a daily stretching routine.  The benefits of your newly gained flexibility will last beyond this lockdown.  Many have found yoga to provide increased flexibility, or you can find plenty of internet suggestions to stretch specific areas.  Just make sure you don’t push the stretch too far.  A small degree of discomfort is normal, but sustained pain is not.  Be mindful of your posture and body mechanics to stretch the muscles intended.  Eat a well-balanced diet to improve your physical and mental health.  You will be amazed by how good a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and fiber can make you feel!  The internet is full of information about foods that can increase immunity and resistance to illnesses.  Take anti-inflammatory medications as directed and use hot/cold alternatively to increase circulation/decrease inflammation.  If the problem still persists, please give Paragon Orthopedic Center a call at 541-472-0603.  Our staff are ready to answer your questions to see if a clinic visit is advised.  We happily serve the entire Southern Oregon region.  Be safe!