Public Health in the Aftermath of COVID-19; A Second Wave of Concerns

Many are feeling relief right now about the return of elective surgeries, which includes dentist visits and general medicine clinics.  Paragon Orthopedic Center is opening its doors this Friday and our staff is doing an amazing job at handling all the calls and concerns.  Thank you to everyone for making us the clinic you call for your orthopedic issues.  We are hearing from patients who delayed being seen because the healthcare industry was put on hold.  They are not alone in Southern Oregon.  The news has reported about how some are looking into the near future and finding a growing concern bubbling about what the shutdown’s effects on public health will be.   There are consequences to not having health concerns treated.  Here is an article from the New York Times that examines this:

Elective surgery gets the green light in Oregon, says the governor

Great news came today from Oregon’s Governor Brown just this morning.  She has announced that elective surgeries may proceed as of May 1, 2020.  Paragon Orthopedic Center realizes many of you missed your surgery dates due to the coronavirus epidemic, and there are others who have found themselves needing elective surgery since the epidemic started.  There is a backlog of surgeries right now and we promise to contact you as soon as possible to get you on the schedule.  Dr. Bents and Dr. Van Horne are committed to meeting your needs and exceeding your expectations of Paragon Orthopedic Center.  We are still in this together.  Our staff is committed to you, Southern Oregon!

COVID myth busters

There is so much misinformation about the coronavirus and its transmission going around social media.  Many people are wondering who they can turn to for solid advice that isn’t based on false information or fear, and the World Health Organization is doing a great job of providing clarity.  Here is a link to their page to eliminate the misinformation that has been put out there, such as these false facts:

-using a hairdryer to kill the virus (exposing anything to high temperatures greater than 77 degrees F)
-if you can hold your breath for 10 seconds without coughing, you don’t have COVID-19.

Read many more myths here:

If you follow Paragon Orthopedic Center on our blog, you know our motivation is to educate you and all of Southern Oregon.  The World Health Organization has plenty of information for you to read and don’t forget to pass on what you learn to everyone you know.  Knowledge is power!

Dr. Rob Bents and Dr. Jim Van Horne Doing ‘Telemedicine’

In this time of socially distancing ourselves and limiting interactions, Paragon Orthopedic Center is switching some patient visits to virtual online and telephone appointments.  We are reaching out to patients to see if this is possible for you to keep you safe from any exposures, yet give you the care you need.  Dr. Van Horne and Dr. Bents are eager to see you, but for some, the in-patient visit can be changed into a discussion in the comfort and safety of your home.  If your visit requires a hands-on assessment, those appointments are being kept.  Our clinic is constantly cleaned.  Every patient is important to us and we would never compromise your care.  We’re doing our best for your best outcomes and we’re in this together!

Elective surgeries to resume in some states

Oklahoma and Ohio are looking into allowing elective surgeries to resume this month.  Dr. Van Horne and Dr. Bents are paying close attention to this news and are advocating for this in Oregon as soon as it is safe to do so and when resuming will not take resources away from fighting COVID-19 here in Grants Pass.  The governor has to issue this ruling, so even though you might hear of other states allowing elective surgeries, this will not mean that Paragon Orthopedics has resumed doing them.  We know many of you are anxious to get back on the surgery schedule or be seen for your orthopedic issues.  We share your desire to get you in for an appointment.  Paragon Orthopedic Center will open to all patients as soon as we’re given permission and will call those who had their surgeries or appointments cancelled.  We will get through this together.

When you visit Paragon during the spread of COVID 19

Guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO) for patient interactions seem to change daily and Paragon Orthopedic Center is keeping track of them closely to protect you and our employees.  As of right now, we are limiting patients to have one guest accompany them into the clinic.  This is for your safety and ours.  We ask your cooperation.  By doing this, we are limiting your exposure to the germs other visitors might be carrying into the clinic area.  We continue constantly sanitizing.  Masks are optional at this point.  It is possible that masks are going to be recommended for everyone soon.  The WHO stated they are considering this.  We will have those on hand for you and our staff will be wearing them too.  Like you, Paragon Orthopedics is trying to do its best with these changes and strange times.  We will get through this together Southern Oregon!

Paragon Orthopedics response to COVID-19

Paragon Orthopedic Center in Grants Pass, Oregon is navigating the changes and unprecedented mandates set upon our world and healthcare, always keeping you, our patients, as our priority.  It has been very difficult for the staff to not be able to meet your needs, but we want to keep you as safe and healthy as possible.  Below is a summary of what our clinic is doing, in accordance with what Governor Kate Brown has deemed necessary.  Please know that we understand and share your frustrations.  Our clinic will be ready to return to business as usual as soon as we are told it is safe to do so.

COVID for Website

Paragon Orthopedic Center March Newsletter

Hot off the presses, the March newsletter is here from Paragon Orthopedic Center in Grants Pass , Oregon.  There are also copies in our waiting area for you to enjoy.  Learn a little about what to consider before having joint replacement.  Even if you are not undergoing this type of surgery, you might know someone who is.  Over one million people in the United States have joint replacement surgery every year according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information.  Educate yourself for better health Southern Oregon!

Paragon Press, March 2020

Pregnancy and the body’s need for calcium

When a woman is pregnant, she needs to make sure she is taking not only enough calcium for her own body, but also for the developing baby inside her.  If the mother isn’t consuming enough calcium, her developing baby will draw calcium from the mother’s bones to meet its needs.  The good news is that a pregnant woman’s body absorbs calcium better than one who is not pregnant.  Paragon Orthopedic Center wants everyone to have strong bones, and since pregnant women have to do double duty, we want to educate you on the subject.  If you know a woman who is pregnant or are yourself, here is an article from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that more thoroughly explains the need and has some tips on calcium-rich food sources.