Coronavirus Hits Oregon

With all the news about the new virus, maybe you aren’t sure what is fact.  There is much unknown about coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, and it can be difficult to know what is truth and what is conjecture.  Oregon had the CDC declare its first case of coronavirus yesterday.  The other cases that have been reported are presumptive.  Even though it has had no direct effects on Paragon Orthopedic Center’s staff or patients, we use this blog to keep you informed and educated.  Here is a link to the CDC’s recommendations to protect yourself and frequently asked questions.  Know that we take measures throughout the year to cleanse and disinfect our clinic.  We have masks, gloves, and antibacterial lotion available.  Paragon wants you to feel safe and our staff are always willing to assist you with whatever your needs may be.  We know you come to us to be treated as a unique individual and not a number.  Thank you Southern Oregon for choosing Paragon Orthopedic Center!

Obesity’s effect on joint replacement

A new government study recently released showed that a whopping 42% of Americans are obese.  That is about 4 out of every 10 people.  Studies show obesity to have negative affects on surgeries.  The serious complications that happen in lean individuals are more likely the heavier you are.  Paragon Orthopedic Center has guidelines for joint replacement surgery in order for you to avoid complications and experience maximum benefits from it.  Obesity will not stop you from joint replacement surgery if you are motivated.  Each surgical plan is tailored to your health.  Dr. Bents and Dr. Van Horne take the job of having your surgery be successful very seriously, thoroughly discussing details with you for your individual plan.  Educate yourself on what the effects of obesity are and get encouragement about losing the weight.

Many Wait Too Long For Knee Replacement Surgery New Study Shows

A study this year in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (JBJS) showed that a whopping 90% of the patients who suffer from osteoarthritis, which is the most common type of arthritis, wait too long for a knee replacement.  That means many people are suffering with a lot of pain that could be resolved.  That pain keeps patients from many activites, which can lead to health problems and a vicious circle of weight gain.  Dr. Rob Bents and Dr. Jim Van Horne at Paragon Orthopedic Center see and treat many patients with knee osteoarthritis with high degrees of success.  Surgical improvements over the years have made the recovery time for knee replacement surgery much more appealing.  Dr. Bents has 80-85% of his knee replacement patients going home the same day of surgery.  If you are suffering from knee pain, take a step to get yourself assessed.  The surgeons at Paragon Orthopedic Center have many years of experience to tell you if now is the best time for knee surgery based on your individual assessment.  Even if you don’t need surgery, Dr. Bents and Dr. Van Horne offer some alternatives that can alleviate pain.  Call Paragon at (541)472-0603 for assistance.

Can Coffee and Cola Beverages Lead to Weaker Bones?

There is a link between weaker bones and consumption of coffee and cola drinks, but the reason is not clear.  It could be due to choosing these drinks over those high in calcium, such as milk.  It also could be that the phosphoric acid in colas leaches calcium out of your bones.  There also could be a link to the higher levels of caffeine found in these beverages.  The relationship is there, but more research is needed.  The bottom line is that you should assess whether you consume too much of these beverages, and whether you are consuming enough calcium.  Too much coffee or cola is not good for you, no matter what.  Try to get some calcium in every meal, every day.  To read more details about the link between weak bones and these beverages, as well as advice relating to the study results, this article from the Cleveland Clinic will give you more clarity:

Sodas, Tea and Coffee: Which Can Make Your Bones Brittle?

Coronavirus precautions at home and at Paragon Orthopedic Center

Paragon Orthopedic Center is taking the threat of the coronavirus seriously and is asking patients if they have recently been to China at check-in.  We want to do what we can to keep you and Southern Oregon safe.  As always, we practice stringent sanitary standards in our clinic and frequently wash our hands.  The Center for Disease Control is urging the public to do the same, saying that washing your hands or using an alcohol-based rub is an active defense against its spread.  Make sure you do so for at least 20 seconds, which is about the same as singing “Happy Birthday” twice.  They also recommend avoidance measures, such as avoiding close contact with someone who appears ill, or avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.  Let’s work together to keep the coronavirus out of Grants Pass and Southern Oregon!  Read more advice and information about coronavirus here:

The clinic that plays together stays together!  Paragon Orthopedic Center rang the dinner bell to share a meal and make some memories.  Just like a family reunion, we need to reconnect with each other too from time to time.  Paragon Orthopedics has the best employees in Southern Oregon and if you visit us, you will understand that statement.  We care for each other, and we care for you!

Did you check your milk nutrition facts?

Paragon Orthopedic Center did a newsletter last fall about some of the milks offered in the grocery stores and their nutrition facts.  You can find stores in Southern Oregon with many plant-based, organic, and dairy options and you need to do some research to know which is best for your nutritional needs.  Are you positive that your milk gives you the benefits you think it does?  Don’t forget the calcium content.  It is good to keep in mind the bioavailability of the calcium in the milk product you choose.  Bioavailability has to do with how much the of the calcium the bones will actually absorb.  Due to the amount of space for the newsletter, we did not go into this factor.  Generally speaking, the plant-based milks tend to have inhibitory substances that prevent calcium from being absorbed, called oxalates and phytates.  The bioavailability of the calcium is also affected by the calcium salts settling to the bottom of the carton.  As stated in the newsletter, cow’s milk and related products, like yogurt, are the best sources of absorbable calcium.  These are important facts to know when you require the calcium for your bone health.  Read more here and make an informed decision about your source of calcium.

It was Sponsorship Recognition Night at Hidden Valley High School and Dr. Rob Bents was acknowledged for his support of the Girls Varsity Basketball team.  They are undefeated this season!  Paragon Orthopedics enjoys supporting the local athletes in Southern Oregon as they push themselves to be the best they can be.  Go Mustangs and go Dr. Bents!