Grants Pass Surgery Centers Offers Lower Prices. Period.

If you read our blog about being NPO before surgery, you will hopefully have a better understanding about the reasons for being NPO and be able to ask educated questions of your surgeon.  We know surgery is expensive.  Dr. Rob Bents and Dr. Jim Van Horne at Paragon Orthopedics are very proud to offer patients a lower cost alternative.  The Surgery Center here in Grants Pass, Oregon receives rave reviews for being more personalized and efficient for a variety of surgeries AND procedures that go beyond bones.  The cost is lower because of the manageable size to give you care that focuses on you as the patient and not treat you as a number.  You will feel how caring the staff are and enjoy the excellence they practice from beginning to end.  It is great that we have this option here in Grants Pass.  Always ask your surgeon if the Grants Pass Surgery Center is an option for you and feel free to call for a quote, or try the online comparison at You will likely find it is hundreds of dolllars less.  It’s over on Hawthorne Avenue and the number is 541-472-4880.

December Paragon Press newsletter

N.P.O.  Do you know what those letters mean?  Paragon Orthopedic Center is always striving to educate you and give you clarity on an array of health-related topics.  This month, we want you to more fully understand why you have to fast prior to your surgery, plus we have some tips on how to endure it a little easier.  Merry Christmas and happy holidays Southern Oregon!  Just click and enjoy!

Paragon Press, December 2019

How much Vitamin D are you getting?

Vitamin D is necessary for the body to maintain healthy levels of calcium and phosphorous.  Do you know how much you’re getting?  We get Vitamin D from the sun’s rays, foods, sometimes fortified, and supplements.  Sometimes you can be at risk if you don’t get out in the sunlight and research finds that even if you’re consuming fortified foods, you still might not be getting enough from your diet.  Discuss whether or not you’re getting enough with your healthcare provider.  Dr. Bents and Dr. Van Horne are able to answer your questions when you visit Paragon Orthopedic Center.  Read more from the Mayo Clinic here:

Mayo Clinic Q and A: Vitamin D — too much or too little can lead to health problems

Natural remedies and their effects on a virus

Paragon Orthopedic Center put out their monthly newsletter for November to help you understand whether you might have a cold virus or the flu.  Catch it on our blog if you missed it.  Whether it’s a cold or the flu, you likely want something to help with all those nasty symptoms that viruses bring on our bodies.  Natural solutions are becoming more and more mainstream, but do they work?  Now we’d like to help Southern Oregon understand how medical professionals view a few of the popular natural remedies.  The three big ones are Vitamin C, echinacea, and zinc.  Most of the professional healthcare community likes to see scientific support in the form of research to know if a substance is reliably helpful and not going to adversely affect your health.  These 3 substances have thus far not proven themselves to remedy a cold.  The reputable Mayo Clinic gives us more information about what works and what doesn’t.  Read on:

Paragon Orthopedic Center in Favor of Hospital Disclosure of Prices

The government wants to force hospitals to disclose all of their prices, thereby giving the consumer more power to make educated choices regarding their healthcare.  You might ask yourself why the hospitals would be fighting this.  Do they have something to hide?  Paragon Orthopedic Center has pushed for consumers to have a choice in their healthcare and reduce out of pocket costs by supporting surgery centers.  Surgery centers frequently do the same surgeries at a fraction of the prices that hospitals charge.  Trying to compare prices right now requires the patient to do some extensive digging for a price comparison.  If the hospitals are forced to disclose this information, you will be able to more easily make an educated choice about your surgeries and health-related procedures.  Read more here from the Wall Street Journal:

Paragon Orthopedic Center’s Thanksgiving Advice: Only injure the turkey

Many gatherings for Thanksgiving include some activities that get you away from the dinner table.  We commend everyone who does this because physical activity is great, however we would like to warn you from overdoing it or pushing yourself to/past your limits.  The Emergency Room is not the place you want to spend any amount of time in on any holiday, so make sure you warm up, stretch your muscles, and/or take it easy as you go.  Don’t sprint down the field for a catch in the football game when you haven’t been running at all, avoid skiing down that slope without stretching when you haven’t skied since last March, and walk a little slower if the group is going around the block at a pace that makes you huff and puff.  Trying to keep up with others can also result in falls that might injure knees, hips, or ankles.  If you do experience pain, try ice and anti-inflammatory medication.  The RICE acronym is something recommended around Paragon: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.  It’s a simple self-care technique to ease some of the discomfort, decrease swelling, and encourage healing.  Of course use common sense if a trip to see a healthcare provider is needed.  Happy Thanksgiving Southern Oregon from all of us at Paragon Orthopedic Center in Grants Pass!

November Paragon Orthopedic Center Newsletter is here!

Sniffles and sneezes are increasing in November and so are the reported number of flu cases around the United States.  So far, the numbers in Oregon are not large, but they do generally increase as the weather gets colder.  Do you know if what you have is the flu, or just a common cold?  Here is some information to help you understand some of the differences between the flu and a cold, and when to see your healthcare professional.  Paragon Orthopedic Center in Grants Pass wants to educate Southern Oregon about staying healthy.

Paragon Press, November 2019

Study links lack of sleep to weaker bones for women

Add another reason to your list for getting enough sleep each and every night.  Researchers found that postmenopausal women sleeping less than five hours a night were 22% more likely to have low bone mass compared to those who slept at least seven hours.  These women also were 63% more likely to have osteoporosis of the hip.  Paragon Orthopedic Center sees a fair share of women with weak bones and the majority could have been prevented.  This has to be one of the easiest solutions ever to keep your bones strong: sleep doesn’t cost anything and it’s a natural function, if you allow the body to rest.  Researchers have previously shown how reduced sleep can have negative effects on immune function, your cardiovascular system, and metabolism.  Get a good night’s sleep for good health.  Check with all the women in your life and educate them about the value in sleep.

Read more here:

Oh the weather outside is…

Southern Oregon is experiencing some fantastic fall weather, and Paragon Orthopedic Center is hoping it lures you outside to get some exercise, especially if you’re looking to lose a few pounds.  Joint issues are sometimes completely resolved by losing some weight.  The stress you’re placing on your joints from carrying extra weight takes a toll on them.  If you’re experiencing occasional joint issues, go for a short walk when you’re feeling good, maybe early in the day.  Be consistent and patient.  Paragon encourages you to be the healthiest and happiest you can be.  You will feel better in so many ways, so get started today!  YOU CAN DO THIS!

Milk 4.0-Where do these higher protein milks fit into the dairy scene?

Our efforts to educate Southern Oregon on the dairy department’s milk offerings continue and today we are tackling the milks advertising a higher protein content.  Their sales have skyrocketed in an unprecedented way, especially considering these milks cost almost double that of conventional milk.  People are willing to pay more for this altered moo juice.  The protein content is increased by using one of two techniques: adding protein to regular milk, or they process the  milk to concentrate that which is already in it.  The ultrafiltration process some milks advertise removes lactose, the natural sugar found in milk, but retains and concentrates protein.  Regular milk has 8 grams of protein per 8-ounce serving; one of the ultrafiltered brands has 13 grams per 8-ounces.  For those looking to reduce sugars in their diet, this might be a good choice because ultrafiltration can cut the sugar content in half to only 6 grams per serving.  Paragon Orthopedic Center is always encouraging patients to read their nutrition labels.  You might find the nutritional content of a higher protein milk very appealing and something you want to budget for to include in your diet.  Money is much better spent on foods to improve your health than a sugary/caffeinated drink some purchase every day with very little nutritional value.  We at Paragon Orthopedics want everyone to make calcium a priority to keep your bones as strong as possibly throughout your lifetime.  Don’t let weak bones be the reason you have orthopedic injuries and breaks.  Read more about high protein milks here: