Fractures After A Fall…Could It Mean Something Bigger Is Going On?

We all have risen from either lying down or sitting and felt a little dizzy.  For some, this ends up with a complete, uncontrolled fall to the ground that results in a fracture.  Simply reported, you might write it off as an isolated accident.  Dizziness, or lightheadedness, can be a sign of something greater.  The technical word for the drop in blood pressure that leads to the dizziness is called orthostatic hypotension.  According to a New York Times article in August, a significant number of falls and the resulting fractures are likely the result of orthostatic hypotension, especially in older age groups.  It can be a risk factor for heart attacks and strokes, or a warning sign for some heart and neurologic disorders.  Research is being done as to what orthostatic blood pressures might indicate, such as an early indicator of diabetes or Parkinson’s Disease.  If someone you love has a fall, be an advocate by making sure the dizziness investigated.  Paragon Orthopedic Center is a big advocate for preventing fractures.  Our highly trained staff are here for you if you get a fracture, but we’d rather you didn’t have to experience the pain and inconvenience of one.  Let your providers know if dizziness was the cause of your fracture or the fracture of someone you love.  Read the full article here:

What Type of Mask Is Best? Which Are Not Effective?

With requirements for wearing face masks nearly everywhere these days, you’re probably seeing an increasing variety: some clear shields, some shields that only cover a portion of your face, bandanas, masks that have vents, and even literal gas masks.  You’re probably wondering which ones are actually effective because some don’t look designed to contain the droplets from your mouth.  The CDC has some information that is very helpful.  First, to address the clear face shields, the CDC does not recommend these as a substitute for a cloth mask.   They do acknowledge there might be situations where a face shield is optimal/necessary. The limited evidence they have on these shields indicates that if you must use one, it should wrap around the sides of the face and extend below the chin.  If the shield is reusable, it should be disinfected after every use.  We did a previous blog about how the vents in the manufactured masks do very little to contain your mucus droplets.  That is explained again in this CDC article.  Masks are a critical preventative measure you can take to contain this highly contagious virus, especially when social distancing is difficult.  Paragon Orthopedic Center continues to require patients to wear a mask when in the clinic and limits visits to only the patient.  We realize this might be an inconvenience, but we also want to do everything we possibly can to keep you, your family, and our staff healthy.  We are hoping for this all to come to an end as much as you are, but until then, please work with us and follow our guidelines for the sake of everyone’s health in Southern Oregon.  Let’s keep  the Covid-19 numbers low Grants Pass!

Read more about how masks are effective, who should wear a mask, who should not wear a mask, face shields and even a link on how to clean your face shield if you wear one:

Golfer’s Elbow…or Is It Tennis Elbow?

Golfer’s elbow is pain that occurs on the inside of the elbow as a result of repeatedly using your wrist and clenching your fingers.  The pain stems from damage to the muscles and tendons that work the fingers and wrist.  This isn’t necessarily limited to golfers and can affect anyone who does this repeated motion.  Tennis elbow, however, is pain that occurs on the outside of your elbow, so the location of your pain should help you understand which condition you might have.  Both cause inflammation and pain.  So if you believe you have golfer’s elbow and the pain is on the inside of your elbow, why did this happen?  Do I need to see Dr. Bents or Dr. Van Horne?  Not necessarily.  If your elbow appears deformed,  if your elbow is hot and inflamed with a fever, if you can’t bend your elbow, or if you feel something is very wrong like a broken bone, please call Paragon Orthopedics right away.    There are risk factors that put you at higher risk for developing golfer’s elbow and ways to prevent it.  Here is an article with a graphic that helps you understand the location of pain for both tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow, as well as symptoms and causes of golfer’s elbow.  There is a link at the bottom to continue reading more about diagnosis and treatment.  Check it out here:

What do you do when you dislocate your shoulder?

You’re sliding into second base and your shoulder pops out.  You fall down unexpectedly and feel your shoulder pop.  You see someone who has been in a car accident and they can’t move their arm.  What do you do?  You will definitely need to promptly seek a healthcare professional’s assessment of your shoulder.  An x-ray will show whether your shoulder has been dislocated and if any other bones have been fractured.  While you are waiting to get that professional help, here are two things you can do:

  • Ice the shoulder-this will reduce pain and swelling
  • Keep your shoulder from moving by immobilizing it-splint or sling the shoulder as it is to prevent any further damage to the tissues and blood vessels.  DO NOT TRY TO PUT IT BACK IN PLACE.

An orthopedic surgeon is who you want to be looking at those x-rays and diagnose your problems.  Dr. Bents and Dr. Van Horne have treated many of these over the years.  They have a combined 50+ years of experience and know exactly what is best for you.  They want to get you back to great health as soon as possible and their knowledge can reassure you that you’re getting the best care in Southern Oregon.  The Paragon Orthopedic Center in Grants Pass is very good at getting you in quickly for emergent situations such as these.  You can read more in this article from The Mayo Clinic about shoulder dislocations.

DVT and Orthopedic Surgery

One of the big risk factors when having orthopedic surgery is developing a deep vein thrombosis, or a DVT.  This is a blood clot that develops within a deep vein after surgery and can travel to places such as your lungs, causing great tissue damage, even death.  Both Dr. Bents and Dr. Van Horne have protocols for preventing deep vein thromboses.  Paragon Orthopedic Center considers it a priority to not only prevent them by having you take certain measures, but also to educate you about the symptoms so that if this does develop, you can seek treatment quickly.  No one knows why some develop them and others do not, but some people are more at risk for developing one.  The risk factors include:

  • Obesity, age, medical history, smoking, genetic factors, pregnancy, and certain medications.

The symptoms include:

  • Pain in your leg and/or calf, feeling like a cramp that won’t go away
  • Reddened/discolored/tender skin
  • The area is warm to the touch
  • Swelling of your thigh, calf, ankle, or foot

The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons put a video together to help you understand more about DVT’s.  Find that here:

Always let your surgeon know if you have any concerns about a DVT.  Dr. Bents and Dr. Van Horne want you to have great surgical outcomes and our team at Paragon will troubleshoot all of your concerns.

Bone Health: Got it?

I recently had someone tell me they didn’t need to take calcium supplements, saying they haven’t had a bone fracture yet at the age of 50, so they must be okay.  You cannot tell what might be in your future.  Paragon Orthopedic Center never wishes a bone break on anyone, but they do happen and when they do, nobody has ever said they anticipated it.  What can you do to keep your bones in tip-top condition?  Our staff loves answering that question because we want to keep you healthy!

The Mayo Clinic has a very educational article that breaks down the risk factors that might make your bones weaker, and has tips to keep your bones strong.  Their six main tips are:

  • Daily physical activity.  If you’ve been reading the Paragon blog, we seem to hammer this point home a lot and here it is again.  Are you listening?
  • Get enough Vitamin D for calcium absorption.  This is why you’ll see Vitamin D added to some calcium pills.  It’s well worth the few extra cents to get these.
  • Get enough calcium every day.  Calcium will be best absorbed when in food, but if you can’t get enough in your diet, ask your doctor about supplements.
  • Avoid substance abuse.  This goes for your general health, but you should pick up a glass of milk instead of a stein of beer.  Your bones will thank you.

You don’t know the pain and misery of a broken bone and the recovery from one until you have one.  Do all that you can to keep this from happening and strengthen those bones.  Read more details, such as how much Vitamin D and calcium you should be getting, when peak bone mass occurs, what hormones have to do with bone mass, and more in the Mayo Clinic article:

Coronavirus Myths and Facts

The reputable Mayo Clinic has put out an article that details many of the things people have said might help fight the coronavirus…and there have been so many.  You need a reputable source of information for this because there can be so many motives for the misinformation being put out by websites around the world.  The bottom line:  nothing has been proven to prevent, treat, or cure the COVID-19 virus.  NOTHING.  Zinc, vitamin C, garlic, UV light, alcohol, saline washes, and high/low temperatures are just a few that are debunked.  The Mayo Clinic is reminding people that testimonials are no substitute for facts supported by research.  Don’t begin to feel like you can’t do anything to help yourself though.  The one thing you can control is preventing a flu infection.  With flu season on the horizon as we leave August and see lower temperatures in September, you will want to pay attention to the preventative advice and begin to incorporate measures into your routines ASAP.  A few of them include:

  • Covering your mouth and nose with the inside of your elbow or a tissue when you sneeze
  • Avoid touching anywhere on your face
  • Use a mask to catch droplets from your nose and mouth when in public
  • Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol
  • Stay at home if you feel sick

Paragon Orthopedic Center has information around the clinic reminding people about many of these preventative measures.  We want you to stay well and our focus remains on your well-being throughout these unprecedented times.  Dr. Bents and Dr. Van Horne are still very busy seeing as many patients as possible within the limits set forth by the CDC and our state.  Check out more advice about prevention and read details about some of the products and substances being touted to help or harm you during the pandemic:

Educate yourself and spread the real facts to those you love.  Stay safe.

Paragon Orthopedic Center August Newsletter

Have you ever wondered what happens after you break a bone and what affects your healing time?  Find out  more about this and if you can do anything to help your bones heal faster right here:

Paragon Press August 2020

And don’t forget you can have our newsletter delivered monthly by email if you sign up at Paragon Orthopedic Center right here in Grants Pass, Oregon.  We had to remove the sign up sheets from the waiting area due to Covid, but you can hand your name and email address to one of the front office helpers, or give us a call at any time.  No appointment needed!

Osteoporosis and Coronavirus

If you have osteoporosis, the recent sheltering requirements and limited healthcare might have caused a bump in your treatment regimen.  Please know if you had to miss an appointment for an injection or visit, it will not impact your long-term bone health.  You are not at a higher risk for contracting Covid-19 if you have osteoporosis.  Here are some tips from the International Osteoporosis Foundation to guide you through these unprecedented times with Covid-19:

  • Preventing falls is vital: ensure that your home environment is obstacle free.
  • Do not discontinue any osteoporosis treatment (including calcium and vitamin D supplements) which you have been prescribed and talk to your doctor if you have any concerns.
  • If your hospital or government advice tells you to stay at home and/or you are concerned about visiting your doctor’s office or hospital, or you need a prescription refilled, try to arrange a telephone appointment instead.
  • Maintain contact with family and friends by telephone or email – physical isolation doesn’t have to be social isolation!
  • Don’t hesitate to ask for the support you need for shopping, getting prescriptions filled, or other errands.

    You might wonder why they want you avoiding the doctor’s office and hospitals.  These places have high volumes of people who might not be feeling well and could expose you to something that might make you sick.  Although Paragon Orthopedic Center sees patients from around Southern Oregon who have bone issues and aren’t ill, we are constantly sanitizing surfaces, and you never know who might have touched something right before you did.  Remember that there are people who carry the virus without symptoms.  You never know who could make you ill.  If you are concerned about a visit with us at Paragon, please don’t hesitate to discuss this with us and give us a call.  Dr. Bents and Dr. VanHorne have done virtual visits on the internet instead of in-person appointments to keep the patients who were concerned safe.  We care about you and want you to help you. Reach us at (541)472-0603.  Wear your mask, use hand sanitizer often, avoid touching your face, and wash your hands frequently.


Stressed Out? Eat to fight it!

Many patients who come into Paragon Orthopedic Center are stressed.  They have questions about a bone condition, the future of their health is unclear, or a life-changing surgery is on the horizon.  These are just a few of the reasons.  We know there are many more, plus you might have reasons relating to our ever-changing world that have you stressed out.  Research is showing you can choose certain foods to manage a variety of emotional challenges.  The Mayo Clinic has an informative article about how to eat well to reduce the toll on your body.

  • Eat foods that increase serotonin, the hormone that promotes a feeling of well-being and relaxation.  You do this by eating foods with tryptophan, such as salmon, eggs, nuts, poultry, soy products, milk, seeds, and spinach.
  • Choose breakfast items with protein to keep a steady blood sugar level and leave you feeling fuller longer.
  • Drink water to stay hydrated.  A dehydrated body will not function well, and in this summer heat, it is easy to get behind.  Thirst is a sign you’re not drinking enough.  Keep a water bottle close by at all times.
  • Limit alcohol and caffeine.  These can disrupt regular sleep rhythms.  A well-rested body thinks more clearly and copes with changes better.
  • Get some exercise.  Yes, we had to add this in here, even though it isn’t directly related to food.  We care about you!  Paragon is always encouraging you to get up and move at a pace that is comfortable to you.  Exercise is a great way to get the endorphins going to combat anxiety or depression.  The weather in Southern Oregon is cooling off in the evening hours, making it a perfect time to take a brisk walk.  Whatever it is that can get your heart pumping at a moderate rate, do it every day!

These are suggestions that cannot take the place of professional help for stress and anxiety.  Changing your diet is supplemental to therapies by a professional.  This is a good way for you to feel in control, whether you are seeking professional care or not.  Here are links to the Mayo Clinic article, as well as one with information about foods to boost your levels of serotonin.