What casts do they use at Paragon Orthopedic Center and how do I care for a cast?

Summertime in Southern Oregon is a fun time, but sometimes accidents happen to children during that fun, and sometimes those accidents involve a broken bone.  Casts in the heat of the summer can be uncomfortable and difficult to keep clean on children who are dirt magnets.  Cast care might be something you believe is information you only need when you need it.  However, in the midst of x-rays, pain management, cast placement, and forming a future care plan, the information overload can prevent you from remembering some important points.  Many parents like the idea of a waterproof cast.  Paragon Orthopedic Center no longer uses these for reasons you should know and understand.  Firstly, imagine the water that inevitably gets between the skin and the waterproof cast.  The cast has a waterproof interior, but there will still be moisture in there after the cast is submerged.  It has to be a tight fit to keep the broken bones from moving, so the water cannot readily evaporate, causing itchiness, skin irritation, and odors.  Secondly, these can be very expensive and insurance will not always cover the higher cost.  Dr. Bents and Dr. Van Horne make choices basted on the best patient outcomes, and after trying these, they felt patients had the shortest cast time with the least amount of side effects using regular casts.  This does mean you have to take measures to protect it from moisture, but it isn’t as difficult as you might think.  Here is an article the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons wrote to educate you on casts and cast care.  Of course you will hear much of this from our expert staff if you’re ever seen for a casting, but it’s good to educate yourself when the stress isn’t high.  Plus, you might be able to help someone in your life if they get a cast.  Read on:


New Mask Requirements in Oregon for Public Places and Getting Kids to Wear Masks

It is comforting to know that we continue to have fewer cases of the coronavirus in Southern Oregon than many major cities around the country, but we all need to do our part to keep the numbers low.  Please remember that the Governor stated to wear masks in public places, even outside when keeping a six-foot distance from another person isn’t possible.  Indoor social gatherings have been limited to 10 people, but this does not apply to places of worship or businesses.  Children 3 and older are included in the mask mandate, and people with health issues are allowed to be exempt from them.  Getting young children to keep that mask on can be a challenge, but there are measures you can try to help.  You could make it into a game to see how many other masks they can spy with a certain color.  Also, allowing a child to pick out their mask and having their favorite stuffed animal/doll wear one makes it feel more familiar.  The University of Michigan has a flyer that has more details about helping your children keep masks on their faces.


Bouncing Back From Being Told You Can’t, Stop, No, Don’t, or Just Plain Rejection

Being told you can’t is hard for some of us, such as when you can’t enter a store without a mask, or being told your job has been eliminated and you can’t work there anymore.  Paragon Orthopedic Center has had to tell some patients they can’t be seen for a variety of reasons, and sometimes patients make a scene as they process the information.  We humans don’t take rejection well, and some rejections are harder to bounce back from than others, such as a layoff.  Forbes.com put out a nice article that lists seven ways to bounce back.  Whether your setback is big or little, you can find some wisdom that will come in handy the next time you’re told you “can’t.”

  • Acknowledge the discomfort
  • Take a moment for a reality check
  • Find the positives in it
  • Don’t let the event define who you are
  • Treat yourself kindly by not beating yourself up
  • Learn what you can do better next time
  • Be confident and move forward

Below is a link with further details about these seven ways mentally strong people recover from rejections.  Southern Oregon is an area with many beautiful rivers, so think of failure as a river: it only moves forward in one direction and so should you.  Visualize future success and don’t look back!


Do you understand why a mask is important to reduce the Covid cases?

The CDC came out on July 14th to say that masks are one of the strongest weapons we have against the spread of COVID-19 right now and they are calling on Americans to use them, saying it is their responsibility to protect themselves and others.  Here is an article that goes over the studies showing that masks help prevent the spread of the virus, the types of masks and their levels of protection, as well as other bits of information that will help you have an excellent understanding about the connection between wearing a mask and the virus.  A tidbit that is worthy of highlighting: masks with valves do not protect others from you transmitting the virus if you have it.  San Francisco has stated masks with valves do not comply with their mask mandate.  The bottom line is that a mask gives others protection against you if you are a carrier, and it helps to a smaller extent at protecting you from others who might be carriers.  This is such good information, Paragon Orthopedic Center might have to do the next monthly newsletter on it.  Be informed Southern Oregon!


Paragon Press July Newsletter

The July newsletter from Paragon Orthopedic Center dives into a seasonal topic this month.  Southern Oregon is famous for its summer river activities and we want people to be aware of the dangers while enjoying our beautiful waterways.  Please give our last highlighted suggestion some thought.  It doesn’t take much time, and you could change a life with your knowledge.
Just click and read:

Paragon Press July 2020

Let’s talk about mean people. The science behind bullying

Bullying is based on intimidation and it’s not only found among kids on the playground.  With all the stress in our world right now and a lack of control, there are adult bullies who find comfort by intimidating others, whether that is through words or by actions.  Have you noticed less courtesy in the grocery store?  Do tailgaters seem to always follow you?  Closely?  Paragon Orthopedic Center occasionally has patients who yell at the staff to try and get their way, or use obscenities when given information that they don’t want to hear.  None of this is ever tolerated at our clinic and if you have seen it, you know we deal with it immediately.  But sometimes you can’t kick your bully immediately out of your life and be done with that person.  Sometimes, a bully affects your every day and has a ripple affect.  Recently, the Wall Street Journal explored this.  Here is a summary of the ways they recommend to deal with them:

Most importantly, make sure you are safe.
Do not engage them because this will encourage more of the attacking behavior.
Do not allow the bully to affect your thoughts.  Limit how much you think or talk about the person.
Accept that you can’t change him/her.
Mentally picture your reaction for satisfaction, but don’t act on any of it.

Read more here:


Never wrestle with a pig.  You’ll get dirty and the pig likes it. (Author unknown)

How to Have a Constructive Argument

You have to admit, there is a lot of material out there right now for arguments.  The newspapers here in Southern Oregon, the television stations around the world, and the radio stations right here in Grants Pass are rife with one-sided pieces that might leave you feeling attacked.  Those feelings can occur with the ones we love and care about too.  Do you argue to win?  Do you allow people to spew their views and not voice your own opinion, even in a respectful way, to avoid confrontation?  There are many styles of arguing and many ways to end an argument amicably.  Here is an article that breaks down the styles of arguing, from gas-lighting to pleasing.  Arguments should end with both sides feeling understood, which doesn’t mean you have to agree, but you’re trying to make them constructive, not destructive.  If you don’t know your style, the article even has a link with a 43 question quiz by Psychology Today.  The quiz will take you approximately 20 minutes.  It might take a bit of time and reading, but if you desire to end arguments on a friendlier note and want to feel understood, check out this article:

Why figuring out your arguing style is the key to a happy relationship

New Oregon Covid cases with zip code map shows Josephine and Jackson counties remain low

The news is providing us with numbers that indicate Oregon Covid cases are rising, but you might wonder how our counties in Southern Oregon compare to the whole state.  Yesterday, July 6th, OregonLive.com put out an interactive map with numbers for the new cases according to their zip codes.  The zip code for Hermiston tops the list with over 140 new cases in a week.  To let our patients know, there have been no cases of Covid found at our clinic and we continue to mandate masks when you come to Paragon Orthopedic Center.  An employee continues to screen everyone with health questions and a temperature check before entering the clinic.  Click on the link below to take closer look at our new cases, as well as the cases found in all Oregon counties.


Happy Independence Day!

Paragon Orthopedic Center wishes Southern Oregon a wonderful, relaxing Fourth of July!  We are all itching to have our barbecues and get-togethers, but please remember to keep your 6 feet of distance from others to minimize Covid transmission, use face masks as needed/required, and wash your hands as often as possible.  Hand sanitizers and bleach wipes are good ways to prevent the spread of the coronavirus too.  A little bit of attention to these details and caution will help everyone.  We don’t want to go back to isolation, so let’s work together to keep the number of active cases low.

Happy Independence Day! ⋆ Data Magic

Will the annual flu vaccination help fight the novel Coronavirus?

You might be wondering why you can’t get the seasonal flu vaccination and have some protection against Covid-19.  The two flu viruses are different, so one vaccination does not work for the other.  So far, it is being recommended that people get the seasonal flu vaccine because it still can reduce the severity of flu symptoms, even though it won’t protect you from getting the current coronavirus.  For more information on this and other basics about COVID-19, check out this article from the Harvard Medical School:
