How’s That New Year’s Resolution Going?

We are almost 3 weeks into the new year and maybe you need a little encouragement to stick with your resolution to be a healthier person.  Paragon Orthopedic Center wants good health for everyone.  We even have a weight loss competition going on at Paragon right now to motivate employees.  Losing weight, improving eating habits, and attaining personal goals are big boosters for good physical and mental health.  Here we found an article that has 10 tips to help you keep those goals you made.  You might find you need to reassess those goals, maybe make them smaller and attainable.  That’s okay!  Take it slowly and give yourself a break if you’ve set the bar too high.  As this article points out, change is a process.  Another good suggestion is that writing your progress in a journal can help you feel accomplished and help you assess overall success or setbacks.  Check it out and you might find a renewed sense of excitement!