Paragon Orthopedics Continues to Keep You Safe

Paragon Orthopedic Center in Grants Pass puts patients first as their priority, especially during this epidemic.  We want you to know we continue to thoroughly sanitize our office and have all of our staff wearing masks at all times.  Paragon continues to limit visitors arriving with patients as many other clinics are doing, to minimize potential exposures.  It is well-known you can be a carrier of Covid-19 without knowing it and without symptoms.  By limiting visitors, we are decreasing the number of people you could unknowingly be exposed to during your time in our clinic to keep you as safe as possible.  Paragon is doing all that it can to limit the transmission of Covid-19, so please wear your mask as long as you are in the building.  Harvard Medical School just updated their article detailing known ways to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus yesterday and here is the link to that.  This thorough article includes information about items to have on hand if you do have to isolate, what precautions are necessary to help prevent infection of this virus, and  how to keep yourself safe when going out.  Be safe Southern Oregon!